#Music | Crystal Asige’s 'Safer' is the comfort you need in today’s turbulence

Nobody expected the year 2020 to become the painful picture of agonizing hopeless humans ravaged by the inability to enjoy some of the most basic emotional, physical and spiritual needs. In a day when simple decisions such as stepping out to the grocery store or giving a hug to a loved one become a choice between safety and death, the news keep depicting a hemorrhaging world of viruses, brutality, abuse and countless more misactions.

Within such fear and helplessness, the resiliently fragile voice of Crystal Asige softly blows comforting words, promising a better outcome for those who lean on Jesus. The songstress, who lost her sight in her twenties, is an advocate for people with disability in her native Kenya.

Parting from Sauti Sol’s Sol Generation Records less than a year in, Asige delivers the inspiring piano led ‘Safer’ as the comfort we need during the turbulent times we are living. The hopeful song urges us to stop relying on our supposed abilities and to let Jesus lead us to salvation. Sounding rather personal, ‘Safer’ offers a glimpse at Asige's state of mind since she allowed the loss of her eyesight to become a defining moment in her life, ‘ever since I closed my eyes and walked by faith, I see clearer, better/ I feel safer than ever.’

But these faith-charged words speak so accurately to the actual state of nations. ‘Safer’ comes as a promise for you to let go and let God.
